Sheffield Alabama

  1. Sheffield Alabama Ibew
  2. Sheffield Alabama Ibew

Spring Park in neighbouring Tuscumbia is a picturesque park with recreational. — The City of Sheffield continues to make progress on new developments with projects like Inspiration Landing and the redevelopment of the former Ramada Inn. Now the city, along.

Did you know?

Have you signed up for our Member or Agent Portal?
It simplifies many day-to-day tasks.
Click on the tabs above to sign up.
We make paying your invoice as simple and convenient as paying a bill can be.
Sheffield offers several ways to pay your invoice.
1) Check
2) Credit or Debit Card
3) Automatic Bank Draft or EFT
What are Group Self-Insured Funds?
Group Self-Insured Funds are groups of business owners who band together to offer workers’ compensation to their employees by pooling their resources. They can provide coverage at a more reasonable price, as well as offer incentives such as dividends to their members, .

The Sheffield Group
was founded in 1993 to serve the members of The Sheffield Fund. Since then, we have become one of the premier Workers’ Compensation providers in Alabama. Thanks to our diverse team of dedicated professionals, we are adept at covering accounts of all sizes, from small, minimum-premium accounts to larger, more sophisticated accounts.

Sheffield Alabama Ibew

At The Sheffield Fund, we specialize in one line of coverage, Workers’ Compensation. By making Workers’ Compensation our specialty, we are able to provide a superior level of service to our members. Our underwriting department has more than 85 years of combined experience in underwriting commercial accounts, and our claims department has over 180 years of combined experience in settling Workers’ Compensation claims.

Our products and services include a monthly reporting payment plan and seamless renewal process that requires no action on the part of the agent. Please call our Customer Service Team at 1-866-839-4381 today to learn more about The Sheffield Group’s Workers’ Compensation services.


Sheffield Alabama Ibew

20+ years and going strong.

The Sheffield Group has hosted the Sheffield Golf Classic for over 20 years. This year it will be held at the prestigious Greystone Golf and County Club in Birmingham, Alabama.
The Classic takes place on the first Monday in October, rain or shine. We are very proud to have the opportunity to give back to the agents that help Sheffield grow. If you are an active agent and would like to know more about this tournament, contact your marketing representative or underwriter for details about joining in on this fun event.
Sheffield alabama obituary